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Making Money With Social Networks

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Making Money With Social Networks

It is no surprise that social networks are some of the most frequently visited websites on the internet. This also means that the majority of internet users all end up in these central locations, and is great if you are looking to make money. Here are three ways you can make money via social networks:

  1. Advertising. Whether on FaceBook, MySpace or whatever (except Twitter), you can make money from advertising. Whether you want to handle advertising for another company, and charge them a fee, or you want to advertise your own services, this is a great way to make money online. FaceBook ads are especially targeted, because they know a lot about their users and target down the demographic to exactly what you are looking for.
  2. Developing Apps. Apps are the new craze on social networks. If you are app developer, there are many ways you can make money. One way to do this is to develop apps and place advertising on the app. Whether from Google AdSense or from private advertising, you can make a lot of money from Apps. You can also get your app sponsored if you find the right company, and they can pay you to develop the apps.
  3. Lastly, you can sell items on sites like FaceBook. Use FaceBook marketplace to find some junk and sell it. This is the quickest and easiest way to make money using a social network: selling stuff.

If you get creative, there are countless ways to make money using a social network. All you have to keep in mind is to spread the word and get the information out to as many people possible. The more traffic, the more money!

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3 Reasons to Use FaceBook Groups

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3 Reasons to Use FaceBook Groups

FaceBook groups are one of the most popular features on FaceBook. It allows an administrator (or few administrators) to gather up all interested people and place them into one common page where they can view the page, look at pictures, communicate with each other and get updates about the group. FaceBook groups have several uses, whether it is for business or for a personal reason. Here are three reasons to use FaceBook groups:

  1. You want to promote yourself. If you are an artist, FaceBook groups are great for promoting your cause. For instance, a musician can post up information about his/her upcoming events, album information, song demos, and pictures. They also allow members to communicate with each other, creating a stronger following.
  2. Businesses can use FaceBook groups to promote a product. You can post up information about your product, pictures, demonstration, reviews, etc. By putting together users of the product, you can start support threads where users help each other. This will create stronger branding and promote your product, resulting in more money for your company.
  3. If you are part of a non-profit organization, it is great to put together events and fundraisers. You get together everyone who supports your cause, and they can talk to each other and you can communicate with them. It will help you get ideas of what to do next, how to make more money, and encourage group members to donate more money to your cause.

FaceBook groups are especially great for getting to know your customers. You basically gather up all of your target market in one group, and you can research other behaviors, such as what else they are interested in, who else, where they’re from, etc.

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FaceBook Networking

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FaceBook Networking

FaceBook recently beat out MySpace for the most popular social network. With hundreds of millions of people on FaceBook, it is very easy to network. On my FaceBook account, I have over 400 friends, many of whom I grew up with, went to high school and college with, and family I didn’t even know I have. I am part of my company’s network, and am connected with all the other employees who work with me.

FaceBook is very useful for networking and promotion. One of the key tools to promoting is the FaceBook groups and Fan Page features. Another useful feature in FaceBook is the paid-advertising. FaceBook collects a lot of detailed information about its users, making the advertising extremely targeted.

Here is a breakdown of the three different methods you can use FaceBook for:

  • Groups: Groups are great for putting together a lot of active people. This is good for businesses looking to gather all of its employees in one collective group so that everyone can bounce ideas off of each other and be updated about the company. It allows for a lot of collaboration and contribution between members.
  • Fan Pages: These are for companies literally looking for fans. If you have a lot of customers who want updates on products and more information about your products, this is what you are looking for. Put together a fan page and spread the word!
  • Advertising: FaceBook advertising is great for targeted marketing. You can specify the age, location, gender, interests, and much more all within FaceBook advertising! This is for the marketers who are looking to sell, because it gets pretty expensive at times.

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